Thursday, March 16, 2006

Book Binding - Blind Tooling & Gilding

The tallow is cleaned off and the endpapers are pasted down, the book is then tied up and left to dry overnight
The next operation is to decorate the spine using a series of small individual tools.
This done, the spine is then hand lettered and dated in the date panel at the foot.

The verso side of the binding is then hand lettered with the binders Latin signature before the book is polished with a hot iron.

Last of all a "Clamshell" box is made as a perfect fit to house the binding and afford protection.

All finished ready to be carefully packed for a private collection in the U.S.A.

For all your Bookbinding and Restoration requirements.

Paul Tronson at Period Fine Bindings


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Book Binding as an Art Form